Modern Slavery Statement


This statement sets out the approach that Squeaky Clean Energy Group Ltd (“Squeaky”) has taken to understand the potential modern slavery and human trafficking risks related to its business, and the actions undertaken to reduce any such risks during 2022.

About Squeaky

The Squeaky group comprises an energy supplier, marketplace and clean tech organisation specialising in clean electricity sourced directly from wind, solar and hydro generators. It has been designed from the ground up to meet the electricity supply needs of corporate businesses and public sector clients who want to purchase energy directly from 100% clean sources.


Squeaky fully supports the aims of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and will not tolerate any fraud, corruption, or abuse of human rights. Squeaky is committed to carrying out business in an ethical way, underpinned by our status as a Certified B Corporation.

At Squeaky, we recognise that modern slavery is a growing global concern, and although our own business is not at material risk of modern slavery, we are working to ensure that our own operations, and those of our supply chains, adopt a zero-tolerance approach to unethical working practices. As a result, we take reasonable steps to mitigate against the risk of slavery or human trafficking occurring in our supply chain or in any part of our business.

Due Diligence Processes For Slavery And Human Traffiking

Our Legal, HR and Operations teams are responsible for compliance. Representatives of these teams work to identify and mitigate the risks of human trafficking and modern slavery materialising, for example:

  • Making sure we carry out appropriate due diligence before recruiting new team members or deciding to work with new partners and suppliers; and
  • Conducting periodic reviews across our business to ensure no slavery or human trafficking takes place in any part of our business whilst also seeking positive assurance from our suppliers; and
  • Incorporating appropriate anti-slavery and human trafficking provisions into relevant contracts.


Key Suppliers And Outsource Partners

We work closely with our suppliers and partners to ensure they are closely aligned with Squeaky’s values. We only deal with reputable suppliers and operate competitive tender processes for significant contracts. As part of this process, we require our suppliers to have appropriate anti-slavery and human trafficking policies and processes in place. We communicate to all suppliers that we have zero tolerance with regards to modern slavery and human trafficking.

Recruitment And Employee Awareness

We have clear and fair recruitment and employment policies and processes in place. Part of our HR onboarding process for new starters includes carrying out checks to ensure we only employ people who are entitled to work in the UK. These checks also help to safeguard against human trafficking and are intended to identify individuals who may be forced to work against their will. We are an accredited Living Wage Employer and treat everyone with dignity and respect.


This statement has been made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and approved by the Board of Squeaky Clean Energy Group Limited. It constitutes our modern slavery and human trafficking statement for all Squeaky Group companies for the financial year ending 31 December 2022.

Chris Bowden
Managing Director
February 2022

Page last updated: 13 September 2022