Standard Principal Terms

1. Charges

  • Our charges include a charge for the supply of electricity, as well as additional charges for particular services and activities.
  • Some of our tariffs for the supply of electricity are based entirely on a unit rate, others include a standing charges as well as a unit rate. The standing charge will apply regardless of how much electricity we supply to you.
  • You will have selected one of our fixed price tariffs as part of your (or your agent’s) application for the contract. A new fixed tariff may also apply as explained in the Renewal section below.
  • If you are being supplied under a deemed contract (as further explained in the terms and conditions), you will not have a fixed price plan, and our variable deemed rates will apply. These variable deemed rates may also apply as explained in the Renewal section below. Our deemed rates change from time to time. Up-to-date rates can be found on our website.
  • The additional charges apply to activities other than supply of electricity itself. These include missed-visit charges, charges for late payments, charges for disconnections and re-connections, charges for testing, replacing, and moving meters, and charges for replacement paperwork. Up-to-date information describing all of the services and activities to which the additional charges relate can be found on our website.

2. Credit check and personal data

  • For new customers, and also during the period of the contract, we may perform a credit check on you.
  • If you have provided details of your partners, directors or owners, we may also undertake personal credit checks on them too.
  • Further details of how we process any personal data you provide to us can be found in the Privacy Statement on our website.

3. Security deposit or other credit support

  • We may require you to pay in advance for your electricity by requiring you to pay a deposit, or we might ask you to provide other forms of credit support, such as a guarantee from one of your owners or someone else.
  • We may do this as a result of a credit check or as a result of a failure to pay our charges.

4. Duration of the contract

  • The fixed price plan that you agreed as part of your (or your agent’s) application, or that you agreed in response to a renewal notice, will apply until a fixed expiry date. You can end the contract at any time by giving us at least 30 days’ notice, but such notice will not have effect before this fixed expiry date.
  • This does not stop you ending the contract on 30 days’ notice if the contract has been automatically renewed (rather than you agreeing a new fixed price plan), as described in the Renewal section below.
  • You can also end the contract if you no longer own or occupy the property, but if you end the contract in this way before the fixed expiry date, you must pay us a termination fee.
  • If you are being supplied under a deemed contract (as further explained in the terms and conditions), you can change supplier at any time without giving us any advance notice.

5. Our right to end the contract

  • We can end the contract if you fail to comply with the contract. If we end the contract during a fixed price period, you must pay us a termination fee.
  • Our rights to end the contract include instances in which you fail to pay our charges, you fail to provide credit support, or we have reason to believe that you have tampered or interfered with the meter.
  • We can also end the contract if our agreement with our Trading Agent ends in circumstances where we have not entered into a replacement agreement. Our Trading Agent is the company from which we buy the wholesale electricity which we supply to you.
  • We can also end the contract if you are (or become) an Unsuitable Counterparty. An Unsuitable Counterparty is an organisation that we (or our Trading Agent) consider to be incompatible with our (or their) corporate social responsibility or ethical principles. Further details can be found on our website.

6. Changes to the contract

  • Outside of a fixed price plan, we can make changes to the contract at any time by giving you notice of those changes, but you also have the right to end the contract at any time outside a fixed price plan.
  • During a fixed price plan, we will only make changes to the contract if:
  • any information provided by you in your (or your agent’s) application proves inaccurate or there is a change in circumstance;
  • there is a change to the metering equipment required to be installed at a property in accordance with the industry rules;
  • there is a change in law or a change in the industry rules or a change in the calculation or rate of an industry charge;
  • your credit reference or credit support ceases to be acceptable to us, and you do not provide new credit support;
  • you fail on two or more occasions to provide us with access to the property;
  • you fail on two or more occasions to pay the charges; and/or our agreement with our Trading Agent ends and so we have to arrange an alternative source of wholesale electricity.

7. Renewal

  • This only applies where you have agreed a fixed price plan.
  • Around two months before your fixed price plan ends, we’ll contact you with a renewal offer for a new contract with a new fixed price plan. If you don’t reply to this offer, the contract will automatically roll-over for a further 12 months at the fixed price set out in the renewal offer.